Exam Videography
Video submissions for exams has become common place due to social distancing requirements.
AMEB currently accepts Video submissions for P Plate and Provisional through to Grade 8.
They are not currently accepting video exams for AMusA or LMusA
Music To You offers videography services with professional sound, lighting and video.
Applying the appropriate video rules for exam submission. Eg. single take, un-edited footage, no audio processing, angle of shot , ID etc.
Exam invigilation and declaration by videographer.
Ensure your exam submission doesn't suffer because of poor quality.
Music To You can provide Piano accompaniment with the videography service
See our Piano Accompaniment Service for required lead times for supplying music based on grade levels.
Typically videography services are conducted in the Music To You studios in Epping, however our videographers can travel to other locations for additional charge.

It is the student's responsibility to select which recording is submitted for the exam.
It is the student's responsibility to provide original copies of music ( where not public domain ).
It is the students' responsibility to organise practice/rehearsal sessions with the accompanist.